Legal Representation For Residents And Visitors With Serious Injuries

8 tips for navigating insurance matters after a truck injury

On Behalf of | Jan 24, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

After a truck accident that leaves you injured, navigating insurance matters can be frustrating. For example, insurance companies may make excessive documentation requests and give you settlement offers that seem too low.

Being well-informed and proactive is important in ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve.

1. Report the accident promptly

Swiftly reporting the accident to your insurance company is important. Provide the insurer with accurate details, including the date, time and location. Delaying the report may jeopardize your claim and hinder the investigation.

2. Document the scene

Thoroughly document the accident scene by taking photographs from various angles. Capture the damage to your vehicle, the truck and any visible injuries. These images can serve as evidence during the claims process.

3. Seek immediate medical attention

Hospitalizations occur for about 4,621 people in Hawaii each year due to traffic incidents. After a truck accident, seek medical attention promptly, even if your injuries seem minor. Some injuries may manifest later. A comprehensive medical evaluation can help establish a direct link between the accident and your injuries. Your vehicle’s personal injury protection (PIP) insurance coverage should handle the first $10,000 of medical expenses, so don’t let fear of the expense keep you from necessary care.

4. Keep detailed records

Maintain meticulous records of all medical treatments, prescriptions and expenses related to your injuries. These documents will serve as evidence when seeking compensation for medical costs during the insurance claim process.

5. Understand your insurance coverage

Familiarize yourself with your insurance policy and understand the coverage limits. Knowing what it includes and excludes can prevent surprises during the claims process. If the at-fault party lacks enough insurance, your own insurance coverage may become important as insurance policies issued in Hawaii offer options for underinsured and uninsured coverages which may be applicable.

6. Stick to the facts

When communicating with insurance adjusters, be clear and concise. Stick to the facts, and avoid speculation. Document all conversations, noting the date, time and content. This record can be beneficial if disputes arise during the claims process.

7. Beware of recorded statements

Exercise caution when providing recorded statements to insurance companies. Insurers can use these statements against you.

8. Follow up

Stay proactive throughout the claims process by regularly following up with your insurance company. Obtain updates on the status of your claim and address any concerns promptly to ensure a smooth resolution.

By following these tips, you can enhance your chances of receiving fair compensation for your injuries and related expenses.